


Create Circle Animated Backgrounds in After Effects #tutorial

Create Circle Animated Backgrounds in After Effects!

► 500+ Animated Backgrounds for After Effects and Premiere Pro:

► 20,000+ Templates for AE & Premiere:


#aftereffects #animation #motiongraphics

Start by creating a massive 4000x4000 composition. Now select the epplise tool and create a perfect circle.
Go into the shape layer and animate the size from its current value down to zero.
From here you can duplicate the shape, randomly reposition it, and change it’s scale value. And repeat this process until you fill your entire composition with circles.
Be sure to offset the layers in your timeline and then precompose everything.
You can resize your composition back down to a 1920x1080 if want.
Bring up rotation and alt-click the stopwatch. Type Time*15.
Create a solid layer and now you have a great animated background.


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